Thursday, September 26, 2024

Milford NH Voting Results September 10, 2024 State Primary


Milford NH Voting Results, September 10, 2024, State Primary

These are the results of the 9/10/2024 Milford NH state primary election held at Milford High School.  There were 10,063 people on the checklist at the beginning of the day, there were 56 new voters added to the checklist during the day, leaving 10,119 people on the checklist at the end of the day. There were 1349 Democratic ballots cast, 3 Democratic Federal-only ballots cast, and 1596 Republican ballots cast for a total of 2948 ballots cast in the election, resulting in a turnout rate of about 29.1%.   

This is the history of the votes cast in Milford primary elections: 

  Date       Checklist      Voters     % Turnout

9/10/24       10,119           2948         29.1%
9/13/22       10,151           2459         24.2%
  9/8/20       12,087           3274         27.1%
9/11/18       11,260           2303         20.5%
9/13/16       10,452           1817         17.4%
  9/9/14         9,666           2186         22.6%

 These were the results on 9/10/24:


738 Joyce Craig (Nominated)
459 Cinde Warmington
128 Jon Kiper

Representative in Congress
942 Maggie Goodlander (Nominated)
391 Colin Van Ostern

Executive Councilor
753 Melanie Levesque (Nominated)
487 Shoshana Kelly

State Senator District 11
1216 Shannon E. Chandley (Nominated)

State Representative Hillsborough District 37
1219 Megan A. Murray (Nominated)

State Representative Hillsborough District 43 (4 positions)
1146 Peter Petrigno (Nominated)
1087 Paul Dargie (Nominated)
1006 Scott Lawrence (Nominated)
984 Michael Varraso (Nominated)

No name was on the ballot

County Attorney
1170 Kimberly A. Kossick (Nominated)

County Treasurer
1202 Beverly Cotton (Nominated)

Register of Deeds
1205 Mary Ann Crowell (Nominated)

Register of Probate
1201 Tony Labranche (Nominated)

County Commissioner
1203 Suzanne Ketteridge (Nominated)


991 Kelly Ayotte (Nominated)
543 Chuck Morse
16 Shaun Fife
9 Robert Wayne McClory
6 Richard A. McMenamon II
4 Frank Negus Staples

Representative in Congress
714 Lily Tang Williams (Nominated)
261 Vikram Mansharamani
200 Bill Hamlen
55 Casey Crane
53 Paul M. Wagner
50 Jason Riddle
28 Jay Mercer
20 Tom Alciere
20 Randall Clark
20 William Harvey
16 Robert D’Arcy
14 Michael Anthony Callis
11 Gerard Beloin

Executive Councilor
1401 Dave Wheeler (Nominated)

State Senator
1396 Tim McGough (Nominated)

State Representative Hillsborough District 37
1364 Pamela D. Coughlin (Nominated)

State Representative Hillsborough District 43 (4 positions)
1269 Gary L. Daniels (Nominated)
1113 Vanessa L. Sheehan (Nominated)
1076 Michael Facques (Nominated)
1030 Elizabeth Keenan (Nominated)

1351 Christopher Connelly (Nominated)

County Attorney
1356 John J. Coughlin (Nominated)

County Treasurer
1369 David G. Fredette (Nominated)

Register of Deeds
803 Dennis Hogan
527 Elizabeth Ann Moreau

Register of Probate
1337 Christopher Maidment (Nominated)

County Commissioner
1355 Robert H. Rowe (Nominated)

Delegate to the State Convention Hillsborough District 37
1334 Christine M. Peters (Nominated)

Delegates to the State Convention Hillsborough District 43 (4 positions)
1183 Mike Thornton (Nominated)
1144 John W. Yule (Nominated)
1142 Judy Wadleigh (Nominated)
1106 Andrew Seale (Nominated)

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Milford NH Voting Results March 12, 2024

 These are the voting results for the Milford NH election held on March 12, 2024 at the Milford High School. There were 9,916 voters on the checklist at the beginning of the day. There were 47 new voters that registered during the day, leaving a voter checklist total of 9,963 at the end of the day. There were 2881 ballots cast, for a turnout of 28.9%. This compares to the 2845 that voted last year, the average voter turnout of 2544 per year for the past five years, and the average voter turnout of 2316 per year for the past ten years. It was the third-highest turnout for the past 23 years.

School District Ballot

Member of the School Board - Three-Year Term - One Position Available
1469 Karin Cevasco -Elected
1302 Gary Daniels
There were 2 write-in votes

School District Moderator - 2-Year Term - One Position Available
2449 Pete Basiliere - Elected
There were 17 write-in votes

School District Clerk - 2-Year Term - One Position Available
2402 John Yule - Elected
There were 14 write-in votes

School District Treasurer - 2-Year Term - One Position Available
2399 Rose Marie Evans - Elected
There were 9 write-in votes

Warrant Articles

1. CTE/HS Renovation Project - $58,800,000 Gross Budget ($28,300,000) State of NH Renovation and Expansion Grant) ($30,500 Bond)
There were 2835 votes cast, so 1701 yes votes were needed to get the 60% required to pass
1169 yes 41.2%, 1666 no 58.8% - Failed

2. Renovation of the Bales Building $3,800,000 Bond
There were 2841 votes cast, so 1705 yes votes were needed to get the 60% required to pass
1418 yes 49.9%, 1423 no 50.1% - Failed

3. School District Operating Budget $46,853,353, Default Budget $46,128,419
1343 yes, 1474 no - Failed

4. Collective Bargaining Agreement: Milford Teachers Association (3,743,857 Grand Total over Four Years)
1671 yes, 1163 no - Passed

5. Collective Bargaining Agreement: Milford Educational Support Staff Association (MESSA) ($343,506 Grand Total over Three Years)
1824 yes, 1005 no - passed

6. Building and Grounds Capital Reserve Fund
1774 yes, 1036 no - passed

7. Technology Capital Reserve
1824 yes, 997 no - passed

Town Ballot

Board of Selectmen - 3-Year Term - Two Positions Available
1508 Paul Dargie - Elected
1486 Tina Philbrick - Elected
1261 Gary Daniels
702 Scott Kimball
There were 15 write-in votes

Cemetery Trustee - 3-Year Term - One Position Available
1339 Gretchen Heald-Brooks - Elected
1282 Jay Duffy
There were 8 write-in votes

Checklist Supervisor - 6-Year Term - One Position Available
2396 Darlene Bouffard - Elected
There were 10 write-in votes

Library Trustee - 3-Year Term - Three Positions Available
2039 Kathryn Parenti - Elected
1986 Janet Hromjak - Elected
1939 Jennifer O'Brien-Trafficante - Elected

There were 20 write-in votes

Town Moderator - 2-Year Term - One Position Available
2347 Pete Basiliere - Elected
There were 17 write-in votes

Trustees of the Trust Funds - 3-Year Term - One Position Available
2408 Richard Mossey - Elected
There were 7 write-in votes

Water-Wastewater Commissioner - 3-Year Term - One Position Available
2401 Hunter Philbrick - Elected
There were 11 write-in votes

Warrant Articles

2. Ballot Vote - Zoning Changes
There were no zoning changes proposed

3. Pennichuck Booster Pump Station $2,427,500 Bond (Final project cost to the water users offset by $1,000,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds)
There were 2563 votes cast, so 1538 yes votes were needed to get the 60% required to pass
1814 yes 70.8%, 749 no 29.2% - Passed

4. Town Operating Budget $18,261,680 Default Budget 18,002,107
1819 yes, 990 no - Passed

5. Wastewater Department Operating Budget $2,711,808 Default Budget $2,680,050
1922 yes, 853 no - Passed

6. Water Department Operating Budget $2,204,593 Default Budget 2,107,269
1904 yes, 861 no - Passed

7. Reconstruction of Town Roads $300,000
2207 yes, 603 no - Passed

8. Social Services $40,000
2070 yes, 733 no - Passed

9. Non-Emergency Community Transportation Bus Services $32,000
2075 yes, 740 no - Passed

10. Information Technology Infrastructure Capital Reserve $20,000
1692 yes, 1112 no - Passed

11. Memorial, Veterans & Labor Day Parades and Recognition Support $11,000
2076 yes, 778 no - Passed

12. Summer Band Concerts Support $9,000
1856 yes, 996 no - Passed

13. Annual Labor Day Support $6,000
1882 yes, 964 no - Passed

14. Discontinue Osgood Pond Capital Reserve Trust Fund
2476 yes 338 no - Passed

15. Conservation Land Fund $30,000 by Petition
1364 yes, 1461 no - Failed

16. Walkable Milford $0 by Petition
1974 yes, 862 no - Passed

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Milford NH Voting Results January 23, 2024 Presidential Primary

These are the voting results for the Milford NH Presidential Primary held January 23, 2024 at Milford High School.  There were 9,682 voters on the checklist at the beginning of the day, 291 new voters were added during the day, for a final checklist total of 9,973.  There were 5,072 ballots cast during the day for a turnout percentage of 52.4%.  There were 3,819 Republican ballots cast and 1,253 Democratic ballots cast, for a Republican to Democratic ratio of 3 to 1.  These are the cast ballot totals for the past three Presidential primaries:

             2024   2020   2016
Republican  3,819  1,989  3,343
Democratic  1,253  3,440  2,655
            =====  =====  =====
Total       5,072  5,449  6,129

These totals are similar in that some parties were not competitive in some of the years thus skewing the results.

These are the results for the Milford primary, in descending vote count order, then by write ins:

Republican Ballot
2005 Donald J. Trump
1710 Nikki Haley
22 Ron DeSantis
18 Chris Christie
7 Mary Maxwell
7 Ryan L. Brinkley
6 Mike Pence
6 Tim Scott
4 Vivek Ramaswamy
3 Doug Burgum
2 Scott Alan Ayers
1 Glen J. McPeters
1 Hirsh V. Singh
1 Perry Johnson
0 Scott Peterson Merrell
0 Darius L. Mitchell
0 Samuel Howard Sloan
0 Robert S. Carrey, Jr
0 John Anthony Castro
0 Asa Hutchinson
0 Peter Jedick
0 Donald Kjoines

Republican Ballot Write-ins
5 Robert Kennedy, Jr.
5 Joe Biden
2 Dean Phillips
2 Elizabeth Cheney
1 Marianne Wlliamson
1 Mitt Romney
1 Charlie Baker
1 Marco Rubio
1 Jill Stein
1 Ron Paul
1 Jimmy D
2 Blank (Bullet filled in, no name entered)

Democratic Ballot

252 Dean Phillips
70 Marianne Williamson
21 Derek Nadeau
9 John Vail
7 Vermin Supreme
6 Eban Cambridge
5 paperboy Love Prince
3 President R. Boddie
2 Donald Picard
1 Mark Stuwart Greenstein
1 Star Loche
1 Stephen P. Lyons
1 Jason Michael Palmer
1 Mando Perez-Serrato
0 Gabriel Cornejo
0 Tom Koos
0 Paul V. LaCava
0 Frankie Lozada
0 Raymond Michael Moroz
0 Richard Kist
0 Terrisa Bukovinac

Democratic Write-ins
741 Joe Biden
63 Nikki Haley
26 Donald Trump
19 Ceasefire
5 Robert Kennedy
5 Blank (Bullet filled in, no name written)
2 Cornel West
2 Cenk Uggur
1 Pete Buttigieg
1 Gretchen Whitmore
1 Joe Kennedy
1 Hunter Biden
1 Michelle Obama
1 Hakeem Jeffries
1 Gavin Newsome
1 Jill Stein
1 Dean Phillips

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Milford NH Voting Results October 16, 2023 Special School District Meeting

On October 16, 2023, there was a special meeting of the Legislative Body of the Milford School District per RSA 197:3-a at the Milford High School cafeteria.  This was the warrant language:

Article 1:  Additional State Adequacy Appropriation

Shall the voters of the Milford School District vote to appropriate the sum of $294,314 to be used for the purpose of capital improvement and/or maintenance, said funds available due to statutory changes resulting in an increase in state adequacy payments pursuant to RSA 197:3-a.  School Board recommends (4-1-0) this article.   Majority vote required.  (Note: any amount not appropriated under Article 1 will be used to reduce the tax assessment for the upcoming tax year.)

There was discussion about the article then a vote was held by a show of hands.  The article passed overwhelmingly.  There were 150 registered voters at the special meeting.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Milford NH Voting Results March 28, 2023

These are the voting results for the Milford NH election held on March 28, 2023 at the Milford High School. The vote was originally scheduled to be held on March 14, 2023, but it was postponed two weeks due to a blizzard that occurred on the original voting day. There were 10,365 voters on the checklist at the beginning of the day. There were 38 new voters that registered during the day, leaving a voter checklist total of 10,403 at the end of the day. There were 2845 ballots cast, for a turnout of 27.3%. This compares to the 2401 that voted last year, the average voter turnout of 2359 per year for the past five years, and the average voter turnout of 2184 per year for the past ten years. It was the third-highest turnout for the past 21 years.

School District Ballot

Member of the School Board – Three-Year Term - Two Positions Available
1556 Amy Clark Canty - Elected
1437 Judi Zaino - Elected
1233 Gary Daniels
474 James Powers
441 Dan Barber

School District Treasurer – One-Year Term
2081 Rose Marie Evans - Elected

Warrant Articles

1. Renovation of the Bales Building - $2,728,500 Bond – 60% needed to pass
There were 2790 votes cast, so 1674 votes were needed to get the 60% required to pass.
1658 Yes 59.4% 1132 No 40.6% - Failed

2. School District Operating Budget $46,136,854, Default Budget $45,626,326
1545 Yes 1244 No - Passed

3. Collective Bargaining Agreement - Milford Educational Personnel Association (MEPA) - $87,170
1978 Yes 768 No - Passed

4. Adoption of Revisions for RSA 198:4-b
2101 Yes 607 No - Passed

5. Maintenance Expendable Trust Fund: $31,000
1876 Yes 850 No - Passed

6. Special Education Expendable Trust Fund: $50,000
2128 Yes 629 No - Passed

Town Ballot

Board of Selectmen – Three-Year Term - Two Positions Available
1480 David Freel - Elected
1467 Chris Labonte - Elected
1309 Vanessa Sheehan
303 Chris Buchanan
294 James Powers

Cemetery Trustee – Three-Year Term
2240 Daniel Sadkowski - Elected

Checklist Supervisor – Three-Year Term
2287 Robert Costantino - Elected

Checklist Supervisor - Five-Year Term
2241 David Delay - Elected

Library Trustee – Three-Year Term - Two Positions Available
2084 Lynn Coakley - Elected
2046 John Yule - Elected

Trustees of the Trust Funds – Three-Year Term
2255 Daniel Sadkowski – Elected

Water-Wastewater Commissioner – Three-Year Term
2320 Robert Courage - Elected

Warrant Articles

Article 2. – Ballot Vote – Zoning Changes

There were no zoning change proposals this year

3. Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) Upgrade Project - $23,953,000 Bond (Loan Forgiveness $3,592,950) (Wilton NH Portion $3,031,611.45) Remaining Amount $17,326,438,85 - 60% approval needed to pass
There were 2766 votes cast, so 1660 votes were needed to get the 60% to pass
1868 67.5% Yes 898 32.5% No - Passed

4. Town Operating Budget $17,291,068 Default Budget $17,041,768
1809 Yes 966 No - Passed

5. Wastewater Department Operating Budget $2,677,050 Default Budget $2,565,859
2022 Yes 722 No - Passed

6. Water Department Operating Budget $2,083,269 Default Budget $1,775,670
1970 Yes 764 No - Passed

7. Fire Engine Replacement - 7-Year Lease/Purchase - $755,000 Gross Purchase Price (Annual Lease Payment $124,665)
1863 Yes 912 No- Passed

8. Reconstruction of Town Roads - $400,000
2185 Yes 591 No - Passed

9. One Replacement Ambulance (5-Year Lease/Purchase) (Annual Payment $60,820, Total Purchase Price $409,000)
1634 Yes 1141 No - Passed

10. AFSCME / Police Contract - $175,398
2005 Yes 779 No - Passed

11. Bandstand Renovation - $90,000
1327 Yes 1466 No - Failed

12. Social Services $40,000
2132 Yes 660 No - Passed

13. Transfer Station Recycling Center / Revolving Fund - $40,000
1277 Yes 1501 No - Failed

14. Non-Emergency Community Transportation Bus Services - $32,000
2103 Yes 664 No - Passed

15. Modification of Existing Elderly Exemption Criteria - $30,000
2198 Yes 561 No - Passed

16. Wadleigh Library Maintenance and Upkeep Capital Reserve - $25,000
1896 Yes 878 No - Passed

17. Independence Day Celebration Fireworks - $0
2121 Yes 614 No - Passed

18. Summer Band Concerts Support $9,000
1724 Yes 1037 No - Passed

19. Memorial, Veterans & Labor Day Parades and Recognition Support $8,000
2147 Yes 621 No - Passed

20. Annual Labor Day Parade Support - $3,000
1984 Yes 811 No - Passed

21. Re-Adopt the Optional Veteran's Tax Credit with Expanded Eligibility - $2,000
2384 Yes 407 No - Passed

22. Re-Adopt All Veteran's Tax Credit with Expanded Eligibility - $2,000
2367 Yes 412 No - Passed

23. Milford Community Electricity Aggregation - $0
1818 Yes 908 No - Passed
24. Historical Preservation of the Town Of Milford's Fire Horn (by Petition)
1794 Yes 955 No - Passed

25. Elect Members of the Milford Planning Board - $0 (by Petition)
1129 Yes 1606 No - Failed
These are the hourly vote tabulations as shown on the tabulating machines.  Hand count ballots are not included.  There were 267 absentee ballots processed later in the afternoon that increased the vote count over the walk-in voters.

School Ballots

Time  Per Hour   Cumulative
7:25    131         131
8:00     79          210
9:00    136         346
10:00  164         510
11:00  172         682
12:00  197         879
1:00    144        1023
2:00    250        1233
3:00    174        1407
4:00    237        1644
5:00    289        1933
6:00    355        2288
7:00    327        2615
Close   165        2780
There were 2845 ballots cast in total, so there were 65 hand count ballots.  

Friday, November 11, 2022

Milford NH Voting Results November 8, 2022

These are the voting results for the November 8, 2022, midterm election held in Milford NH.

There were 10,180 voters on the checklist at the beginning of the day. There were 444 new voters added during the day, for a final checklist of 10,624 voters at the end of the day.

There were 6,955 voters that cast ballots, for a voter turnout of 65%. This compares to 6,474 voters in 2018, which yields an increase of 481 voters or 7.4% over the four years.  This increase in turnout is about 2% per year, which means that the turnout this year is very similar to four years ago when adjusted for population gain.

Many of these listed positions cover multiple municipalities; these vote numbers only represent the Milford NH votes.

3963 Chris Sununu (R) elected
2836 Tom Sherman (D)
61 Kelly Halldorson (L)

United States Senator
3706 Maggie Hassan (D) elected
3025 Don Bolduc (R)
168 Jeremy Kauffman (L)

Representative in Congress
3778 Ann McLane Kuster (D) elected
3073 Robert Burns (R)

Executive Councilor
3468 Dave Wheeler (R) elected
3343 Shoshanna Kelly (D)

State Senator
3453 Gary L. Daniels (R)
3395 Shannon E. Chandley (D) elected

State Representative Hillsborough District 37
3428 Megan A. Murray (D) elected
3329 Michael Facques (R)

State Representatives Hillsborough District 43 (4 positions)
3395 Peter Petrigno (D) elected
3274 Maria Elizabeth Perez (D) elected
3151 Vanessa L. Sheehan (R) elected
3114 Bill King (R) elected
2999 Scott Lawrence (D)
2929 Michael E. Thornton (R)
2895 Herb Salmon (D)
2783 Jesse R. Broderick (R)

6421 Christopher Connelly (R) elected

County Attorney
3456 John J. Coughlin (R) elected
3076 Nicholas Sarwark (L)

County Treasurer
3473 David G. Fredette (R) elected
3046 Richard Manzo (L)

Register of Deeds
3331 Mary Ann Crowell (D) elected
3252 Dennis C. Hogan (R)

Register of Probate
3395 John A. Graham (R) elected
3142 William Bryk (D)

County Commissioner
3402 Robert H. Rowe (R) elected
3174 Julie Radhakrishnan (D)

Constitutional Amendment #1
(Eliminate election of Register of Probate position)
3516 Yes - passed
2258 No

Constitutional Question #2
(Hold a convention to amend or revise the constitution?)
3811 No - failed
2015 Yes

These were the hourly ballot tallies for the day.  The polls were open from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm.

Hour    Hourly Total  Cumulative Total
7:00     460                  460
8:00     434                  894
9:00     414                 1308
10:00   510                 1818
11:00    530                2348
12:00    547                2895
2:00      877 (2 hrs)     3772
3:00      368                4140
4:00      561                4701
5:00      619                5320
6:00      571                5891
7:00      578                6469
Close     380                6849
These numbers are the counts displayed on the tabulating machines.  They do not include the hand-count or overvote ballots that were manually tabulated at the end of the night.  The total number of ballots that were recorded for the day was 6955, so there were 106 hand-counted ballots for the day.  The absentee ballots were processed during the afternoon / evening so the hourly numbers were higher during those times.  There was an average of 489 ballots processed per hour in the tabulating machines during the day, including the absentee ballots.
State Senator - Senate District 11

Town          Chandley   Daniels
Merrimack     6,180       6,359
Milford          3,395        3,453
Amherst        3,758        2,861
Wilton              983           918
                    ====      ====
Total            14,316      13,591
State Representative Hillsborough District 37 (Floterial District)

Town            Murray      Facques
Milford          3,395        3,453
Amherst        3,758        2,861
                    ====       ====
Total             6,757        6,537

Milford NH Voting Results September 13, 2022


These are the voting results for the Milford NH primary election held on September 13, 2022 at Milford High School. There were 10,058 names on the checklist at the beginning of the day. There were 93 new voters added during the day resulting in 10,151 voters on the checklist at the end of the day. There were 1518 Republican ballots cast and 941 Democratic ballots cast, for a total of 2459 ballots cast, or a turnout of 24.2%.

These numbers are similar to the results of the primary election held four years ago when there were 1041 Republican ballots cast and 1238 Democratic ballots cast, for a total of 2303 ballots cast.

Democratic Ballot

857 Tom Sherman

United States Senator
858 Maggie Hassan
45 Paul J. Krautmann
21 John Riggieri

Representative in Congress
908 Ann McLane Kuster

Executive Councilor
864 Shoshanna Kelly

State Senator
872 Shannon E. Chandley

State Representative Hillsborough District 37
857 Megan A. Murray

State Representative Hillsborough District 43
789 Peter Petrigno (nominated)
777 Maria Elizabeth Perez (nominated)
684 Scott Lawrence (nominated)
665 Herb Salmon (nominated)

no names on the ballot

County Attorney
no names on the ballot

County Treasurer
no names on the ballot

Register of Deeds
847 Mary Ann Crowell

Register of Probate
836 William Bryk

County Commissioner
830 Julie Radhakrishnan

Republican Ballot

1107 Chris Sununu
180 Thaddeus P. Riley
163 Karen Testerman
38 Julian M. Acciard
8 Jay Lewis
6 Richard A. McMenamon

United States Senator
526 Donald C. Bolduc
447 Chuck Morse
238 Kevin H. Smith
118 Vikram Mansharamani
90 Bruce Fenton
12 Tejasinha Sivalingam
11 Andy Martin
9 John Berman
9 Edmond Laplante, Jr.
7 Dennis Lamare
5 Gerard Beloin

Representative in Congress
573 Robert Burns
368 George Hansel
336 Lily Tang Williams
55 Scott Black
39 Dean A. Poirier
32 Jay Mercer
23 Michael Callis

Executive Councilor
1138 Dave Wheeler
283 Anne Copp

State Senator
1144 Gary Daniels
285 John Frechette

State Representative Hillsborough District 37
1226 Michael Facques

State Representative Hillsborough District 43
900 Bill King (nominated)
897 Vanessa L. Sheehan (nonminated)
834 Michael E. Thornton (nominated)
767 Jesse R. Broderick (nominated)
449 Barry Parquette

1219 Christopher Connelly

County Attorney
1208 John J. Coughlin

County Treasurer
1202 David G. Fredette

Register of Deeds
537 Dennis C. Hogan
464 Elizabeth Ann Moreau
206 Edward J. Sapienza

Register of Probate
1203 John A. Graham

County Commissioner
1216 Robert H. Rowe

Delegate to the State Convention Hillsborough District 37
1203 Christine Peters (elected)

Delegate to the State Convention Hillsborough District 43
843 Jenny Broderick (elected)
756 Judy Wadleigh (elected)
747 John Yule (elected)

727 Andrew Seale (elected)
646 Barry Parquette