Sunday, June 28, 2009

Milford Cost Per Student Trends

The state recently published the cost per student data for the 07-08 school year. The data is published on the New Hampshire Department of Education - Financial Reports web page.

Milford reached a milestone with this latest report. Our cost per student for the entire District was below the state average for the first time in at least 11 years!!!

Shown below is a graphic that shows the data from the state site summarized for Milford. The first block shows the total spending per student for the past 11 years. We have been showing continuous improvement in our cost per student spending during the past 11 years. Our per student spending was 110% of the state average 11 years ago. The percentage has steadily dropped over the years, and we are now at only 98% of the state average.

This came about because our percentage growth in spending has been less than the state percentage growth over this time period. Our total spending per student has gone up 71% over the 11 years (from $6394 to $10,933), while the state average 's cost per student has gone up 93% (from $5780 to $11,135).

There are a lot of factors that go into spending for a school district that feed into the overall results. In my opinion, we have provided the right focus on our spending to provide good outcomes. The District is in much better shape than it was 11 years ago. We have gotten where we are by being consistent in our spending practices. We have been following the practice of trying to make continuous improvement each year, but in a modest way. We have avoided years of no progress due to severe cutbacks, and we have also not tried to do too much in any given year.

We have followed the teachings of the Tortoise and the Hare fable, where slow but steady wins the race. We have become a good Tortoise, where we move along at a steady pace each year, taking consistent steps towards an improved District. The only difference is that we do not have a finish line - we are just trying to do better all the time.

The spending area that contributed the most to our overall improvement was the elementary schools calculations. Eleven years ago we were at 111% of the state average, and now we are now at 91%. This is likely the result of going from operating out of three aging schools (Garden Street, Bales, and Jacques), and transitioning to newer schools (Heron Pond and renovated Jacques). We get economies of scale by operating out of a relatively large Heron Pond school. Most elementary schools in the state are much smaller, and they cost more to operate per student. We get by with fewer support staff members than a typical District due to the larger school size. There was additional savings when the Fifth grade was added onto Heron Pond, where we added about 200 more students with minimal additional overhead cost.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

3/10/09 Voting Results

There were 1683 ballots cast today in the Milford local elections.

School Votes

1302 Peter Bragdon, School Board

Question 1 Jacques School Addition to Implement Public Kindergarten
yes 943 (57%), no 713 (43%) - question failed as it needed a 60% supermajority to pass

Question 2 Operating Budget
yes 856 no 802

Question 3 Teachers Association contract
yes 932 no 721

Question 4 Special meeting allowed if question 3 fails
yes 1060 no 565

Question 5 Milford Educational Support Staff contract
yes 931 no 718

Question 6 Special meeting allowed if question 5 fails
yes 1055 no 583

Question 7 Deputy Treasurer
yes 1072 no 562

Town Votes

Article 1 Elections of Officers

Selectman ( two 3-year terms)

1128 Gary Daniels
637 Nathaniel Carmen
519 Frank Corey
387 John Cass, Sr.

Cemetery Trustee - 3 year term

1360 Mary Dickson

Checklist Supervisor - 1 year term

1362 Polly Cote

Trustee of the Trust Funds - one 3 year term

1039 Brad Chappell
356 Kevin Taylor

Library Trustee - three 3-year terms

1142 Tim Barr
1105 Edith March
1070 Kristie Popp

Water/Wastewater Commissioner - 3 year term

1342 Mike Putnam

Water/Wastewater Commissioner - 2 year term

1389 Robert Courage

Article 2 Zoning Questions

Vote 1 Definitions
yes 1218 no 267
Vote 2 Replace principal route of access with Class V or better
yes 1194 no 301
Vote 3 Yard requirements
yes 1048 no 450
Vote 4 Administrative wording
yes 1247 no 263
Vote 5 Expiration of variances
yes 1229 no 269
Vote 6 Growth management sunset date
yes 1095 no 396
Vote 7 Small wind energy system restrictions
yes 1139 no 373

Article 3 Curtis well facility improvements
yes 1121 no 495

Article 4 Operating budget
yes 879 no 755

Article 5 Wastewater treatment budget
yes 1213 no 412

Article 6 Water treatment operating budget
yes 1194 no 415

Article 7 Route 101a / route 13 / oval improvements grant
yes 1142 no 510

Article 8 Teamsters union collective bargaining agreement
yes 504 no 1114

Article 9 Social services
yes 1054 no 547

Article 10 Wastewater treatment facility wheel loader replacement
yes 989 no 598

Article 11 Pumpkin festival, holiday decorations and plantings
yes 956 no 667

Article 12 Reinstating library hours
yes 854 no 765

Article 13 DO-IT operating budget support
yes 925 no 676

Article 14 Fireworks
yes 692 no 920

Article 15 Summer band concerts
yes 889 no 732

Article 16 Memorial, Veterans, and Labor Day parade town support
yes 1195 no 430

Article 17 South street railroad crossing
yes 1155 no 442

Article 18 Distontinuance of a portion of Hartshorn Mill Road
yes 1261 no 305

Article 19 Authorization to expend funds to purchase interest in lands outside town boundaries
yes 897 no 687

Article 20 Adjustment to income and asset levels for elderly exemptions
yes 1383 no 226

Article 21 Authorize special meeting if collective bargaining agreement warrant article is defeated
yes 1008 no 539

Article 22 Authorization to selectmen to establish and amend town ordinances
yes 1008 no 539

Article 23 Grant of access easement to Saint Joseph Hospital
yes 1406 no 207

Article 25 Cable access revolving fund
yes 865 no 702

Article 26 Non-emergency medical transportation bus service budgetary funding request
yes 1122 no 490

Article 27 Railroad pond fishing age limits - McBriarty Memorial Fishing Derby
yes 1041 no 541

Article 28 Request for adoption of New Hampshire RSA 79-F Taxation of farm structures and land under farm structures
yes 952 no 548